The Faktory supports tech initiatives aiming to help in Covid19 crisis management
In the context of Covid19 pandemia, the Faktory as incubator decided to support tech initiatives aiming to help in Covid19 crisis management by allocating talented resources to smart initiatives. Among the current supported projects there’s:
SafeLink – Covid19 eMonitoring First Line: a platform to help general practitioners to monitor their covid patients at home. This project initiated and coordinated by The Faktory has been achieved by Fotostudio (startup founded by Anthony Heukmes).
La tournée des masques: a platform to collect FFP2 & FFP3 masks to distribute to hospitals
SPO2 Display Telemetry: aims to tackle the continuous-monitoring of some patient’s vital signs using existing equipment which was not originally designed for continuous monitoring. The proposal focuses on the remote continuous monitoring of SPO2-meters.